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The Best Crystals and Stones for Pets

Buy the Set of Best Crystals and Stones for Pets

Information about the metaphysical properties of each stone is included with purchase as well as information on how to use and care for them.

best-stones-for-pets.436.jpgThe Best Crystals and Stones for Pets

Crystals and stones are a wonderful way to benefit your pet's health and overall life. Animals instinctively recognize their energy as being beneficial. For example, your pet does not have to be told Rose Quartz calms frazzled nerves and helps with sleep. Your pet senses what the crystal can do for him or her, which is why most pets are attracted to Rose Quartz.

There are some very simple methods that can be used to help your pet during times of illness or stress. 

Helping pets and animals requires a very strong and centered mind. Animal's minds are not like humans. Humans relate to pain whereas animals react to pain. Any fear you have can also be sensed by an animal and amplified by the crystals.  It is very important to be balanced, centered, grounded, and have good intentions before you attempt to help your pet with crystals or stones. Crystals amplify effects and you need to be cautious until you find out how your pet reacts.

Your pet will let you know when they’ve had enough.  Watch for signs such as tail swishing, foot stamping, ears back, teeth-baring, hair-raising, attempts to flee, and other such warning signals. If they present any of these signs, slow down or stop temporarily. Using crystals can sometimes be too fast for an animal to integrate. It can also be too intense and actually cause more pain or other discomfort. Easing off may help alleviate the stress they might be feeling. When it is going well, the animal will show signs of comfort and affection such as drooping eye lids, teeth gnashing, drooling, general softening of muscle tissues and sighing.

Below is a list of the best crystals and stones that will benefit your pet, including birds, reptiles, and other four-legged and finned companions. Animals and pets can respond very quickly to the energy of crystals and stones. However, remember to seek the best available competent medical advice for your pet or animal. Using crystals for helping pets and animals is not intended nor should not replace the advice of a professionally qualified veterinarian.

Agate - You cannot go wrong with the Agate family. The powerful yet gentle energy of Agate can open the channels of communication between you and your pet, will balance your pet’s energy, assist with sleep, calm anxiety, and help your pet focus during training.

Amber – a great stone for pets due to its versatility, Amber is a wonderful and supportive stone.  While not technically a crystal (Amber is fossilized tree resin) this is what promotes its connection to past life issues or any kind of physical healing.  Amber is also known to have both a calming and energizing effect, dependant on what is needed at the moment.  This attribute makes Amber perfect for both the smaller, hyper animals with high metabolism, as well as larger and calmer ones.  

Amethyst - use for everything from pain to disorientation.  Amethyst’s energy perks up couch potato pets, clears negative energy while balancing your pet’s energy fields, calms rattled nerves, and is an all-around helpful stone.

Black Obsidian - great for reptile owners as Obsidian absorbs negative energy and heat. Reptiles will love its heat-retaining qualities, and the shiny black stone will look good in their habitat too. Just be sure the stones have smooth edges.

Black Onyx - a great stone for outdoor pets, because it is known to draw out negative energies and entities, which can be helpful for things like fleas and parasites.  As such, it is good for the bowels.  A very protective stone, Black Onyx is supportive of physical strength and stamina, and can be helpful during times of stress, such as physical illness, trauma, or even during fights with other animals.

Bloodstone - supports overall health, strength, and endurance. Bloodstone is helpful for balancing the chakras and for grounding negative or excessive energies. Bloodstone is also commonly used to increase intuition, which would be indispensable to any animal.

Blue Calcite - use when your pet is recuperating from surgery or trying to settle into a new home.  Its relaxing energy soothes nerves, relieves anxieties, and helps with sleep. This is a great crystal to use with nervous, high-strung animals.

Blue Lace Agate - promotes sleep, calms an anxious pet, and boosts self-esteem.

Calcite - benefits the skeletal system.

Carnelian - promotes emotional warmth, individuality, courage, happiness, and harmony. It also helps release emotions such as anger, fear, and envy. Attach a Carnelian charm to your shy or nervous dog or cat’s collar. Carnelian is also beneficial for skin problems. 

Clear Quartz - a master crystal that is effective for all conditions, strengthening the aura and protecting against negative energies.  Clear Quartz will help strengthen your pet’s immune system, which will improve his or her overall health. It can also stimulate energy levels. Dog and cat owners use it during training as quartz heightens communication between the pet and its owner. Bird owners could use it as well when taming and training new birds.  Clear Quartz is great for amplifying intention, so you could program it with a specific purpose for your pet, before use.  If you decide to use Clear Quartz for your pets, you should clear it in the evenings, as it will absorb any negative vibes with which your pet has come into close contact.

Fluorite - bones (blue), respiration (blue, green or clear), blood purification or lymph glands (green), digestion (green or yellow).

Garnet - reproductive system

Green Moss Agate - a wonderful source of Earth energy. Relaxing and grounding.

Hematite - muscular system

Jasper - the supreme nurturing stone. Its grounding ability supports tranquility and inner strength during times of stress or danger. Dalmatian Jasper is especially popular for use with animals as it grounds and helps alleviate fears.

Kyanite - alignment of all Chakras.

Rose Quartz - injuries, wounds, reduces stress.  Rose Quartz is the stone to use if your dog or cat is aloof and standoffish. Rose Quartz energy will help your pet learn to accept love and companionship without fear. It is ideal to use with rescued animals, injured or sick animals, or when introducing a new pet into your household. Acceptance of the new member of the family (be it another dog or a new baby) will run a smoother course.

Smokey Quartz - nervous system, swellings.  If you have more than one pet in the house, and the animals socialize, then you may have squabbles from time to time. Smoky Quartz works to reduce future hostilities by grounding and clearing negative energies in your household, which would also benefit any human squabblers.

Sodalite - calming, nervousness, good for settling down during travel

Sugilite - death and dying

Turquoise - another master stone that can be used for everything, very protective

How to Use Stones to Help your Pet

It is very helpful to dedicate and program the stones and crystals you will be using.

Here are a few suggestions on how to use them. Your intuition is your best guide as you know your pet or animal. They are just some guidelines - use your intuition to come up with more.

Place up to three stones or crystals under your pet's bed for up to two weeks. You can put them in a pouch if you'd like. Position the stones so that they are comfortable. If the crystal energy is too intense, your pet won't want to rest in their bed. If your pet likes the crystals, you should see an improvement within a few days.

Hold the crystal or stone in your hand. Starting a few inches away from the affected area, rotate the crystal clock-wise. Go slowly, breathing gently and evenly. Animals express their feelings with movement, so watch to see if your pet wants more or tries to move away.

Put up to three crystals (no more) in a small pouch that can be attached to your pet's collar.  careful that the pouch does not interfere with movement or can get caught on anything.

If possible, warm up the crystals in the sun before beginning. The sun provides masculine, yang energy to the stones. Apply the warm crystals to the affected area. If you are using a bag of ice to reduce swelling or inflammation, try putting a few pieces of Smokey Quartz in the bag of ice. It will help unblock over-active or inflamed areas.

Put a piece of Rose Quartz or Amethyst in your pet's water bowl or bucket.  The crystal will leave its energy imprint in the water and, when your pet drinks it, the energy will go where it is most needed.  Remember to never put Malachite or Copper in your pet's drinking water. It is important to research whether the stone you are considering using is toxic when putting in drinking water. 

Do not be embarrassed about using crystals and minerals to help your pet. The practice is becoming common place these days as more and more people use natural methods to maintain their own health and well-being.

Buy the Set of Best Crystals and Stones for Pets

Information about Using Stones and Crystals