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Information about the meanings of Tektite stones is included with purchase, as well as information about the metaphysical meaning of stones and how to use their energy.

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Tektite stones are natural gravel-size bodies of glass that are formed when asteroids hit the Earth. Their name comes from the Greek “τηκτός” for “tēktós” meaning "molten”. Generally quite small, they tend to range in size from millimeters to centimeters. The rocks of which they were made melt and vaporize in their travel out to near space where it cools and falls back to earth. On its way "home", the molten material is still plastic and is shaped by the atmosphere into different forms that somewhat resemble plastic. Other types of tektites are formed near the impact site, don’t travel as far and form in “pools”. This tektite glass is layered and much more bubblier than that which falls from the sky.

Tektite Meaning

The extraterrestrial energy of Tektite is immediately noticeable to those sensitive to the energies of crystals. Tektite is regarded as a stone of luck in many cultures.

Other meanings include:

  • encourages spiritual growth
  • helps you to absorb and retain higher knowledge
  • forms a link between creative energy and matter, helping you manifest your dreams
  • raises your vibration and strengthens your aura
  • helps you release undesirable experiences while still remembering the lessons you learned
  • helps you concentrate on things that are conducive to your spiritual growth
  • excellent for meditation as it brings deep insights into current issues in your life
  • activates and enhances your intuition
  • helps you to discern between truths and falsehoods
  • helps with lucid dreaming
  • balances the energy flow of your Chakras
  • strengthens the bio-magnetic sheath around your body
  • enhances and accelerates healing from illnesses or injuries

Buy Tektite Stones

Information about the Metaphysical Meaning of Stones

Information about Chakras