Information about the properties of Specular Hematite is included with purchase, as well as information about the metaphysical properties of h stones and how to use them.
Hematite is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth’s surface and is an important source of iron ore. It has an extremely variable appearance and its luster can range from earthy to submetallic to metallic. Its color ranges include red to brown and black to gray to silver. Even though Hematite has a highly variable appearance, it always produces a reddish streak.
Specular Hematite is a beautiful black or grey variety of Hematite that grows in long tabulars (a flat surface). It has a rich metallic luster due to inclusions of dark blue mica flakes and resembles a beautiful sparkling night sky. Specular Hematite is often polished or protected by a resin.
Specular Hematite is also known as Specularite, Micaceous Hematite, Micaceous Iron Ore, Iron Mica or Specular Iron.
Specular Hematite Metaphysical Properties
Specular Hematite has a higher vibration than regular Hematite and brings grounding and high energy simultaneously. It helps you identify your unique special talents and where you can put them to their best use. Other properties include:
- grounds high level spiritual energies to the reality of everyday life
- extremely protective
- helps you to manifest your highest dreams and aspirations
- an excellent stone to counter the ill effects of electromagnetic pollution
- dissolves negativity in all forms and transmutes it to a loving energy
- balances the meridians and Yin Yang energies
- helps mental functioning, memory, and development
- calms your mind and instills deep inner peace
- boosts your confidence and sense of self-worth
- excellent for meditation
Specular Hematite also has the metaphysical properties that are inherent to any form of Hematite.
Hematite Metaphysical Properties
Hematite is especially effective at grounding and protecting, especially the military. Its energy helps to harmonize your mind, , and spirit. Continue reading about the Properties of Hematite.
Information about the Metaphysical Properties of Stones