Information about the properties of Green Calcite is included with purchase, as well as information about the metaphysical properties of stones and how to use and care for them.
Green Calcite Properties
Green Calcite is beneficial mentally. Other properties include:
- dissolves rigid beliefs and old programs
- restores balance to the mind
- helps you to let go of what is familiar and comfortable but which no longer serves your best interests
- aids communication and transition to a positive situation
- helps children (and adults) hold their own in debates
- powerful stimulator for the immune system
- absorbs negativity
- soothes anger generated dis-ease
Green Calcite also has the metaphysical properties that are inherent to any type of Calcite.
Calcite Properties
Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. Simply having a piece of Calcite in a room can clean negative energies from the environment and heighten your own energy. Continue reading about the Properties of Calcite.
Information about using the Metaphysical Properties of Stones