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Fairy Stone

Information about the metaphysical meanings of Fairy Stone included with purchase, as well as information about the metaphysical meaning of stones and how to use them.

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Fairy stones are concretions of sand, clay and calcite “cement” (Calcium Carbonate) and are found only in northern Quebec, Canada. They are often confused with Staurolite which is also called Fairy Stone. However, Staurolite has distinct crosses whereas Fairy Stones form in smooth, flattened discs with one or more discs “growing” together. They are originally left in quaternary deposits in the lakes and rivers made by receding glaciers and wash up on the beaches of only a very few rivers and lakes. The front of a Fairy Stone is often smooth and regular while the back can be rough with irregular markings which resemble ancient hieroglyphs caused by fossil micro-organisms. One of the main rivers they're found is the Harricana River off of James Bay which means “River of the Biscuits” in Algonquin because the strange pebbles resembled hard biscuits, a staple of their diet.

Fairy Stones Meaning

According to Native American Algonquin legend, Fairy Stones bring health and prosperity, protection against evil spirits and good luck to hunters and fishermen. Lovers would give them to their loved ones and the biggest specimens would often occupy a place of honour in their homes. Fairy Stone concretions have a lot of nature spirit energy and are an excellent grounding stone. Other meanings include:

  • said to be “little helpers” that adopt people rather than the other way around and they make excellent “worry stones”.
  • a practical stone that gives sensible and logical answers to seekers that benefit daily life
  • helps you to get things done in the most practical way possible
  • embody nurturing energy for the Earth and those upon it
  • provides a safe and nurturing energy in which to work both spiritually and practically
  • useful for grounded and practical channelling
  • excellent for reflective meditation
  • protect you against bad and evil spirits and psychic attack
  • a positive stone that balances and calms your mind and emotions
  • helps you to be positive in difficult situations
  • calms or dispels anger and other negative feelings
  • excellent for trauma and fight or flight syndromes and teaches you how to respond positively instead
  • helps to break down defensive walls you have built around old hurts and release this old pain
  • related primarily to your Root and Crown Chakras

Buy Fairy Stones

Information about the Metaphysical Meaning of Stones

Information about Chakras