Information about the properties of Chrysocolla is included with purchase, as well as information about the metaphysical properties of stones and how to use them.
Chrysocolla Metaphysical Properties
Chrysocolla has a peaceful and supportive energy. Its properties include:
- draws off negative energies of all kinds
- helps you accept situations that are constantly changing, giving you great inner strength to do so
- beneficial for relationships that have become rocky
- stabilizes and heals both home and personal interactions
- beneficial for meditation and communication
- calms, cleanses and re-energizes all of your Chakras, aligning them with the Divine
- draws out negative emotions such as guilt and reverses destructive emotional programming that benefits your Solar Plexus Chakra
- heals heartache and increases your capacity to love - Heart Chakra
- improves communication but also helps you to know when to keep silent - Throat Chakra
- opens psychic vision - Third Eye Chakra
- encourages self-awareness and inner balance
- teaches self-confidence and sensitivity
- enhances personal power and inspires creativity
- overcomes phobias and fears
- helps you to feel motivated
- reduces mental tension and helps you to keep a cool head
- promotes telling the truth and being open-minded
- lowers blood pressure
- relieves arthritic pain
- an excellent stone for women
Information about the Metaphysical Properties of Stones