Information about the meanings of Chiastolite is included with purchase, as well as information about the metaphysical meanings of stones and how to use their energy.
Chiastolite Meaning of
Chiastolite is a variety of the mineral Andalusite and is also known as the Cross Stone. A powerfully protective stone, it was used in ancient times to ward off ill wishing and curses. Other metaphysical meanings of Chiastolite include:
- transforms conflict into harmony
- drives out negative thoughts and feelings
- helps you with problem-solving and change
- dissolves illusions
- calms fears
- helps you to face reality
- gets rid of feelings of guilt
- stabilizes your emotions
- helps you to understand and explore immortality
- linked to both death and rebirth, Chiastolite aids in the transition beyond death
- helps in other transitions, especially at the psychological level
- releases old patterns and conditioning that no longer benefit you
- can provide answers to mysterious events
- gateway into mysteries and facilitates out of body journeys
- aids problem solving by strengthening analytical capabilities
- helps you to maintain spirituality during illness or trauma, invoking protective forces
- assists in attuning to your soul's purpose
- balances your immune system
- fortifies your nerves
Information about the Metaphysical Meaning of Stones