Information about Angel Quartz properties is included with purchase, as well as a pamphlet about the metaphysical properties of crystals and how to use them.
Amphibole Angel Quartz for Sale
Other kinds of Quartz for Sale
Amphibole crystals are also known as Angel Quartz due to inclusions which occasionally have a wispy effect resembling wings.
Amphibole quartz is an unusual type of quartz crystal that contains one or more Amphibole minerals which are primarily asbestos silicates. The most common of these are Actinolite and Tremolite. Other metaphysically potent minerals that may be included are Limonite, Kaolinite, Lithium, Glaucophane, Hornblende and Riebeckite.
The inclusions are often red or yellow depending on the included minerals which sometimes includes Hematite.
Some Amphibole “Angel” Quartz crystals contain phantoms, others do not display that particular characteristic. Each Angel Quartz crystal is definitely unique and one of a kind.
The Properties of Angel Quartz
Because Amphibole Angel Quartz stimulates your Third Eye and Crown Chakras, it is very useful for connecting to your Higher Self. Other metaphysical properties of this powerful Quartz crystal include the following:
- protects you from the harshness of others such as verbal abuse
- especially helpful if you have been emotionally or verbally abused
- instills a sense of peace and security
- creates balance in any aspect of your life
- wonderful aid to meditation
- balances the energies of your three higher Chakras
- excellent to use with other angelic crystals such as Angelite, Celestite and Seraphinite
- promotes lucid dreaming
Amphibole “Angel” Quartz also has the properties that are inherent to any type of Quartz. Learn about the Properties of Quartz.
Amphibole Angel Quartz for Sale
Other kinds of Quartz for Sale
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